Garage Sale, July 27

Buy and Sell at this SS. John and Paul event!  Held in the parking lot from 8am until 3pm.

  • $25.00 for one vehicle / two parking spaces.
  • You bring your “merchandise” to display and sell.
  • ONE Table (8 foot) will be provided.
  • Whatever you don’t sell, take it back home with you.
  • Rain or Shine. Absolutely NO REFUNDS.
  • Spot locations based upon order of registration.

Reserve your spot now by calling the parish office at 586-781-9010 or
Email Raymond:



His Table – August 13

His Table Community Meal began November 2, 2010 to serve our local community and offer a free meal
to those individuals and families facing economic struggles.  This free meal is served on Tuesdays from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. at the Romeo United Methodist Church on Main Street.

 SS John and Paul is scheduled to serve a meal on August 13.   We are looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve dinner.  Donated items are also needed for dessert.

If you would like to help with this ministry, please sign up on the bulletin board, call Caroline at the parish office or email at



Need Help?

If you find yourself or someone you know in need of assistance, St. Vincent dePaul may be able to help.  Our Conference believes that ‘no work of charity is foreign to the Society.’ In these difficult times, we stand ready to help you get over a financial hump that you may be encountering.  That may look like assistance with a utility bill, rent, or perhaps food.  Whatever the challenge you may be facing, we are here to work with you.  Also, we may be able to find other resources or agencies to assist you.

 If you are in need of assistance, please call (586) 840-1389.  Leave your name, phone number and type of assistance needed, and someone will return your call within 24 hours.  

Can and Bottle Drive

Drop off your bagged returnable beverage cans and bottles at the specified bins at the rear entrance of the Formation Wing (under the burgundy canopy).  Proceeds will benefit the Knights of Columbus and the SS. John and Paul Youth Group.

Thank You!

Pickleball at SSJP

Please wear comfortable clothing/tennis shoes and bring a paddle if you are able.

Fun for All Ages!  Ages 16 – 106 are welcome.

Meet in our gym at 6:30pm on Thursday evenings and 10am on Friday mornings.

Want to Stay In Touch?

Want to stay in touch with the latest parish news?  Depending on your preference, you can:

  • sign up for email notifications here ,
  • download the Parish App or
  • visit our website.

To install the Parish App, key in My Parish and search for us by our zip code, 48094.  Please pick one or all of these options as a want to stay in touch.