Golden Single and Social – Upcoming Events

Join us and meet some smiling faces at this newly formed group at SS. John and Paul

February 25 – Brunch & Bowl, 11am
Meet at Crave Restaurant to dine together, then off to nearby Summit Bowling for some fun!

March 8 – Monthly Social, 6pm
Join us after 5:00 Mass in the Social Hall for light refreshments.
After, we’ll head over to Brown Iron Brewhouse for dinner at
approximately 7:15 pm

March 12 – Walk & Wine, 3pm
Meet at the Macomb Orchard Trail parking lot on West Road. We will walk for an hour. After, we head over to Bar Verona for Happy Hour.

March 17 – Lucky Leprechaun Lunch, 12pm
Come see if you have the Luck of the Irish! Enjoy lunch (salad and a loaded baked potato-cost just $5) and try your luck playing Left, Right, Center (a simple dice game, no skill needed). Bring 15 quarters.
Remember: Wear green to get the best of the Luck of the Irish! ♣

April 2 – Coffee, Cookies, and Cards, 1pm
Enjoy a cup of coffee, and some great conversation while playing Euchre. Don’t know how to play euchre-no problem. We’ll have a table available for beginners or those wishing to learn the game.

For more information, or to rsvp to attend any of these events, please email Gayle at or call the parish office at 586 781-9010.

Simple Lenten Suppers

Beginning on Ash Wednesday and every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday), dine here with us.

We offer delicious simple, meatless suppers consisting of an entree, roll and beverage. 

Simple drop in between 5pm and 7pm.  It is quick and casual.  All are welcome!  If you choose, attend our beautiful Stations of the Cross service at 7pm each Friday during Lent.  

Suffering from S.A.D.?

Is it just the winter blues or something more?  Recognize the signs and learn about the treatments at this informative 30 minute presentation.  Join us in the SS. John and Paul formation wing on Feb 19th at 10am.  

Presented by Mary Ann Stockwell, RN, certified clinical therapist





Evening Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be the third Sunday of the month from 6:30PM to 7:30PM

2025 dates: February 16th, March 16th, and April 27th (Note: this is the 4th Sunday due to the Easter Holiday)

Pickleball at SSJP

Please wear comfortable clothing/tennis shoes and bring a paddle if you are able.

Fun for All Ages!  Ages 16 – 106 are welcome.

Meet in our gym at 6:30pm on Thursday evenings and 10am on Friday mornings.

Need Help?

If you find yourself or someone you know in need of assistance, St. Vincent dePaul may be able to help.  Our Conference believes that ‘no work of charity is foreign to the Society.’ In these difficult times, we stand ready to help you get over a financial hump that you may be encountering.  That may look like assistance with a utility bill, rent, or perhaps food.  Whatever the challenge you may be facing, we are here to work with you.  Also, we may be able to find other resources or agencies to assist you.

 If you are in need of assistance, please call (586) 840-1389.  Leave your name, phone number and type of assistance needed, and someone will return your call within 24 hours.  

Can and Bottle Drive

Drop off your bagged returnable beverage cans and bottles at the specified bins at the rear entrance of the Formation Wing (under the burgundy canopy).  Proceeds will benefit the Knights of Columbus and the SS. John and Paul Youth Group.

Thank You!

FORMED – Free Streaming

Watch the best Catholic content for FREE! is the “Netflix of Catholicism” there is something for all ages! SS. John and Paul Parish has paid for free subscriptions to provide our parishioners and friends. All part of our mission to support each other in our efforts to grow closer to God. Click here to learn how to download this great resource.

Here is a great video explaining what FORMED is!