2025 Lenten Service Project

This year’s project will benefit Susie Q’s Kids.  Susie Q’s Kids addresses the mental health and well-being of kids in the community by providing comfort bags to kids in need.  Organizations that receive these bags include hospitals, shelters, foster care agencies, autistic centers, and grieving organizations.  

Our goal is to pack 150 bags on April 5th!  These bags will be distributed to the Ronald McDonald House locations in Michigan. 

Here is how you can help:

Collection March 10 – April 3

  • Coloring books and crayons
  • Playdough
  • playing cards,
  • match box cars
  • 15oz bottles of shampoo and conditioner
  • Bars of soap

Bag packing April 5 at SS. John and Paul 
Volunteers needed to assemble Susie Q activity bags and personal care kits from the items collected. This is a great family activity!  Click here to register or contact Caroline at 586 781-9010, cseidel@ssjohnandpaul.org