Join us and meet some smiling faces at this newly formed group at SS. John and Paul
February 7 – Potluck Game Night, 6:30pm – 9:30pm
This annual event is held in the SS. John and Paul social hall. A $10 ticket includes chicken, dessert, and beverages. Bring a dish to pass and your favorite game. If you are interested in playing euchre that night, please contact Gayle or the parish office so that tables of 4 can be formed.
January 31 – Introduction to Pickleball, 12:30pm
Have you ever wanted to play pickleball? Join us in the parish gym for an introduction to this popular game. No charge for this hands-on instructional session. Paddles provided, wear athletic shoes and come to have some fun?
February 8 – Monthly Social, 6pm
Join us in the social hall after the 5pm Mass for light refreshments. Afterwards, we’ll head over to Stony Creek Road House for dinner at 7:15pm.
February 25 – Brunch & Bowl, 11am
Meet at Crave Restaurant to dine together, then off to nearby Summit Bowling for some fun!
For more information, or to rsvp to attend any of these events, please email Gayle at or call the parish office at 586 781-9010.