Worship Information


Seasonal Environment

Plan the church environment for various seasons. Usually take lead responsibility in one season and help with some of the others: Advent-Christmas, Lent, Easter-Pentecost, Ordinary Time, Remembrance of the Deceased.

Funeral Ministry Team

A team of people who assist with the parish’s funeral celebrations in several ways: at scripture services the evening prior to the funeral, at funeral liturgies and cemetery committals as lectors, communion ministers, cantors, or adult altar servers. Sacristans who would set-up for a funeral Mass are also needed. Choose which area of involvement is best for you.

Wedding Rehearsal Team

A group of volunteers working in pairs, who guide the bride, groom, wedding party and parents through the wedding rehearsal and actual wedding ceremony. The rehearsal is usually scheduled one to two days before the wedding date. They are also present on the wedding day to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Prayer Ministry

A group of 6-10 parish members who oversee the Prayer Cross petition area by : keeping fresh intention sheets in binder, regularly transferring intentions onto prayer cards, placing notices of prayer ministry in bulletin periodically, including thanksgiving prayers.

Prayer Teams

Teams of 2-3 parish members who have been trained in intercessory prayer ministry. Available once per month (currently afer the 5PM Mass on the third Saturday of the month) to listen to prayer needs, pray with and over people for those needs.



Prepare ahead of time and proclaim the Word of God by reading the Scriptures on Sundays and at other worship services.

Lector Booklet 2019

Communion Ministers for Mass

Distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.

Communion Minister Booklet 2019


Welcome all who come, as well as distribute worship aids.

Altar Servers

Children (grades 4 through 8) and adults are invited to assist the presider with Mass.

Altar Server Booket revised 2019


Assist in seating people when needed; concern for the overall order and decorum of the church, assist with the collection.


Oversee the preparation for Mass including vessels and books. Scheduled on a rotating basis. Training is provided.

Sacristan Booklet 2019 final

Communion to the Sick

Communion Ministers visit the sick on a regular basis to offer an opportunity for prayer and reception of the Eucharist to the sick or home bound.

Altar Linen Cleaning

Pick up, clean and return all the used linen for the altar as well as vestments and robes. Scheduled on a rotating basis.


The Music ministry at SS John and Paul offers many wonderful opportunities to joyfully serve God through the gift of music.

Cantor Program

The cantor serves as leader of the community’s song within liturgy approximately once every three weeks, preparing and singing music which expresses the texts of scripture and pray. The cantors meet regularly as a group, as well as engaging in individual practice and vocal coaching. This is open to all experienced singers.

Choir (Teens and Adults)

Singers of all ages and musical abilities are welcome to join; no auditions are necessary and you are not required to read music. The Choir offers a unique support and embellishment to the song of the community, most often at the 9:30am Sunday Masses. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:00-9:00PM.

Junior Choir

All children with reading ability are welcome to join in this fun ministry, which provides leadership in liturgical song at various times of the year. You are not required to read music. The emphasis is on singing with spirit and understanding. Rehearsals are once a week for one hour. Contemporary Ensemble: Provides musical leadership at the 11:30AM Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Any guitarist, instrumentalist or percussionist is welcome to join this group which practices on Sundays before and after the 11:30AM Mass, as well as at other mutually-agreed upon times.

Contemporary Ensemble

Provides musical leadership at the 11:30AM Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Any guitarist, instrumentalist or percussionist is welcome to join this group which practices on Sundays before and after the 11:30AM Mass, as well as at other mutually-agreed upon times.

Adult Handbells

The ringing of handbells is a rhythmic, even athletic, musical activity which enhances the community’s song by interpreting musical themes in a unique way, whether through stand-alone pieces or accompaniment. Rehearsals are for one hour on Mondays after Mass.

Junior Handbells

Open to every child of grade school age on up who is able to reach and ring the bells appropriately (needs a certain height and strength). A superb opportunity to be part of the musical leadership, while learning rhythm patterns. Rehearsals are once a week for approximately one hour. Plays periodically throughout the year, with special emphasis on the Christmas and Easter seasons.

Resurrection Choir

Assist during funeral liturgies to provide music ministry support. All who are available during the day are welcome. Rehearsals are approximately 1/2 hour before funerals.

Instrumentalist or Accompanist

Persons of any age who play an instrument can contribute to the leadership of music. Individual rehearsals and opportunities to play are fitted to your schedule. We particularly rely on volunteers during the Christmas and Easter seasons.