Sacraments Information

Baptizing Infants

Parents with infant children are encouraged to contact the Parish Office, even during pregnancy, to begin preparation for the sacrament of Baptism. A family must have at least three months involvement at SS John and Paul or in another parish.

First Eucharist

When your child is ready for full participation in the Eucharist, and has participated in a formation program for two years, they may be brought forth as a candidate for First Eucharist. Preparation is separate from the required formation sessions. Additional sessions include: Parent/child sessions, and a Saturday retreat for parents and children.  Click here for the 2020 First Eucharist Schedule.

First Reconciliation

When your child is ready for the sacrament of Reconciliation, and has participated in a formation program for two years, they may be brought forth as a candidate for First Reconciliation. Preparation is separate from the required formation sessions. Additional sessions include: Parent/child sessions, and a Saturday retreat for parents and children.

Private Confessions

Saturdays 4:00 to 4:30 pm, after 5pm Mass (see priest) or by appointment (586) 781-9010.

Communal Reconciliation

Communal Penance Services are celebrated during Advent and Lent.


Confirmation is most often celebrated by young adults in the fall of their 9th grade year. A minimum of two years in a formation program is required. Preparation includes: sessions for candidates, parents, and sponsors plus participation in service opportunities.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process that allows an adult to journey toward full initiation in the Catholic Church. Since each person’s background and previous connection to the Christian faith differs, there is no set time table for adult initiation. Rather, there are distinct stages and rites that are celebrated when the person is ready to take the next step. These steps are typical for someone who has not been baptized. It is adapted for those who have previous Christian baptism and formation.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC)

When children have come into the parish and have either not been baptized or are past the usual age for one of the sacraments, the parish formation program works with them and their families to prepare them for all the appropriate sacraments.


Couples planning marriage participate in a initial interview with the pastor or other appropriate staff person. This interview should take place a year prior to the marriage, if possible. No date for the wedding can be set until the initial interview is completed. At least one of the marriage partners needs to be registered in the parish or have a clear family connection to the parish six months and preferably one year or longer prior to the marriage.

Click here to download our Marriage Prep and Wedding Guidelines booklet.

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of the Church which people should request whenever they are facing a serious illness, physical illness or disability, mental illness or disability, or serious addictive behaviors. It is a sacrament that is meant to bring us strength and support in the midst of an illness, not simply at the end of life. As such, it is a mistake to view this sacrament as the “last sacrament” as it has been called in the past. The parish celebrates the sacrament in a communal context four times a year at Monday night Mass in March, June, September and December. The sacrament can also be requested anytime by speaking to the priest or calling the parish office.

Sacrament of Orders

The apostolic unity of the Church is connected to the sacrament of Orders. The Church ordains men as deacons, priests or bishops in order to connect the living Church to its apostolic roots. In the course of its history, the Church has adapted what constitutes what is considered a “major order” and currently understands three of them as permanently marking a man for life.  Are you called to the priesthood?

The Archdiocese of Detroit Office of Priestly Vocations offers resources for any young men discerning the priesthood. Our new website has information on applying to seminary, frequently asked questions, and how to get in touch with the vocation director.

Learn more at