May 23, 2020 5:43 pm

Public Masses will resume Tuesday, May 19th. In the interest of safety and to facilitate disinfection of the church between Masses, the schedule will be as follows:

• Saturdays at 5pm
• Sundays at 9:30am and 11:30am
• Mondays at 7pm
• Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am
This schedule will remain in effect through September 6th. Although measures have been taken to ensure the safety of those attending, understandably some may wish to remain at home. Please note that all the faithful in the Archdiocese of Detroit are dispensed from their Sunday obligation to attend Mass until then. We will be streaming Mass Sundays at 11:30am on Facebook Live.
Guidelines for returning to Mass
Because building capacity is limited:
• Seating in church, max 125 (every other aisle, 3 empty seats between parties)
• Additional seating available in the Social Hall, max 100
• Seating is on a first come, first serve basis
For everyone’s safety, please observe the following:
• Practice social distancing
• Cover your face with a facemask or scarf
• Stay home if you are sick or have been around someone sick
• Stay home if you have any symptoms

Thank you for your cooperation!

The AOD has also released a video explaining some of the new directives. Please click the link below to view.
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